Saturday, July 10, 2010

5 month update

Weight: 20 lbs 10 oz

Length: Will have to get back to you on this one.

Visitors: G-daddy Phil came in the middle of June on a business trip

Sleeping patterns: Usually goes to bed by 9:30 pm and sleeps until about 4:30 or 5. Then mommy feeds me and I go back to sleep until it's time to go to daycare.

My Likes: Getting on my hands and knees and "rocking." Sitting up like a big boy, and then toppling over! Rice cereal and sweet potatoes. Going to daycare and seeing my buddies.

My Dislikes: The Chewbacca noise that daddy makes scares me to death.

Other milestones: Eating solids for the first time. He also had his first "paid" babysitter so we could go out for Father's Day. And to celebrate being able to survive 5 months with a man-child baby, mommy and daddy are going to see Sting tonight! You will be staying home with babysitter Dave.

Trips: We went to Cambridge, MD for a couple days for a business trip daddy had. We also went to VA for 6 nights before I started daycare and mommy went back to work.

Looking forward to in the next month: Auntie Andra coming to visit this weekend while daddy is in NYC for a wedding. Daddy's birthday on July 20 when we're going to have the kickball team over for a cookout!

Jackson demonstrates his newfound rocking skills.

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