Monday, November 30, 2009

Maya Telisak

On Sunday we had brunch with my friend from high school, Greg, and his wife Alissa that is due two weeks after me on March 1. They are having a little girl - Maya Michelle Telisak. If Peanut is indeed a boy, I'm all for arranged marriages.

MTV cradles - baby edition

Although not full of amniotic fluid, darkness and Oreo cookies, we think that Peanut will enjoy the beautiful new cradle that my cousin Eric made for him. Now, we just need to get it from WI to DE!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

28 week update

How far along? 28 weeks

Total weight gain? 20.8 lbs

Maternity clothes? I officially own 1 maternity dress, which also required purchase of maternity tights and some new riding boots, which are probably the only thing I'll be wearing that are non-maternity.

Sleep? Sleep now includes drooling . I would love to hear the medical reason for this. Simple preparation for what I will soon encounter?

Best moment this week? Completing my last business trip. No more travel for me and the nutter butter!

Movement? Woke up at 5:30 am to Peanut kicking and punching me at the same time. This was new - usually it's one or the other.

Gender? According to the room service woman, who I believe is highly qualified in predicting gender, it's a boy.

Labor signs? Nada - I have a feeling this baby isn't going to want to go anywhere. Especially if I keep feeding him holiday Oreos.

Belly Button in or out? Out. I need to find a piece of duct tape so it doesn't poke anyone's eye out.

What I miss? Being able to bend over and tie my shoes without getting winded.

What I am looking forward to? My last pre-mommy Hoochies weekend in Chicago the weekend after Thanksgiving.

Weekly Wisdom? The Korean woman who owns the dry cleaner in my office building told me that I just need to think about what I want my baby to be when he grows up and it will happen. She wanted "a very smart child who wore thick glasses and now she's a lawyer!" I said I would cast my thoughts on having a professional baseball player who can take care of me in retirement.

Milestones? In my third trimester, have my glucose screen this week to check for gestational diabetes, still can't find the H1N1 shot, having a husband who is wondering how in the world I can get any bigger and finally "leaking" (I shall say no more on this topic).

Friday, November 20, 2009

I'm convinced

I ordered $43 worth of room service last night to celebrate that it was going to be my LAST night in a hotel for business purposes for quite some time. A woman brought my food to my room, set it down on the desk, looked at me and said "Oh, you're having a boy!" She said it with such conviction that I almost ordered a ultrasound that moment to see if she was right.

Peanut - if you in fact are a girl, please know that you have pulled the wool over (almost) all of our eyes. I'm already having daddy look into a tracking system for your car when you turn 16 because I know what's in store for us.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Childbirth classes

We're locked into our childbirth classes which are coming up in December and January. First up is Buttons and Bows! Adam lucked out when they moved the classes to Thursday night so he didn't have to miss Monday night football.

Fun with names

Thanks to Jamie and Aune for reminding me about how careful we need to be when naming Peanut. A couple worth noting:

Arthur Barthalamule Hardt = Art Bart Hardt in a pinch

Banff Hardt (say it quickly)

Hello 3rd Trimester!

I am officially in my third trimester and am feeling the glory days of my second trimester slip away quickly.

My food no longer has anywhere to go.....

A good nights sleep is a long distant memory....

I'm outgrowing the newer, bigger bra I bought two short months ago...

The sciatic nerve in my right leg makes it difficult to sit in a confined space for more than thirty minutes....

I'm gaining weight - quickly......

But, my complaining stops there because........

I'm in the home stretch - WOO HOO!