Saturday, April 30, 2011

School pictures....gone bad

Jackson recently had his pictures taken at school.  We thought the last ones were hilariously (bad), but nothing compares to these.  Between the bad haircut, the crap all over his shirt, his red eyes from crying, his unwillingness to smile and the corny graphics, these are quite a treat!  Adam keeps telling me he is going to get a coffee cup made with Jackson "looking" suspiciously at the butterfly.  I guess this is why we spend the big bucks at Little Nest!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

We spent a nice long weekend at home, which started on Friday because Jackson's day care was closed.  Unfortunately we both had to work, so we split the morning and afternoon 'shifts,' but was nice to be in the same house with him all day.  On Saturday we did the Ronald McDonald House 5k walk.  We had pretty crappy weather, but the cause was well worth it.  While putting Jackson back into his car seat I noticed he had a pretty nasty ear, so we went straight to the pediatrician so she could formally diagnose the ear infection and write a prescription.  He's had 3 ear infections in his left ear, but thankfully they don't seem to bother him that much.

For Easter, I made some blueberry muffins and then omelets and Nueske's bacon.  Jackson loved the muffins, but we still have to stay away from the straight eggs due to this egg white allergy (until May when we go to see the allergist).  It was such a great day outside, so we eventually headed down the street to a playground we had never been to.  Turns out it is great and much better than the playground we've been going to.  Then it was back home to color eggs (we're a bit behind) and play with toys that the Easter Bunny brought.  Daddy cooked some steaks on the grill, we chatted on the webcam with Grandma and Grandpa Porter and then it was bed time!

Jackson loves to go in the drawer and get out markers.  No pants is a hot look, right?

Look at that static!

Looks like we put our finger in the light socket.

Jackson and daddy after Jackson partially climbed the red bridge

"Hmmmm, looks like I should call my sargent in on this one."

Riding my rocket!

So sleepy tired

Jackson's Easter loot

We've been feeding Jack using the little sink on his grill - basically like a horse trough.

Managing Daddy

Daddy got promoted to Managing Director at work this week, so I was in the kitchen cooking a nice meal (which doesn't happen that often anymore) when Managing Daddy decided to lay some zerberts on Jackson. Congrats to daddy on his promotion!

Meet the presidents

Last Sunday we took a short drive down to DC to see the Brewers play the Nationals. This was Jackson's third baseball stadium visit (after Atlanta and Philly) and although he didn't give a hoot about the game, he had fun meeting the presidents.

Wild wild women

One of Jackson's favorite things to do these days is go into the spare bedroom and turn on daddy's boombox and dance.  Sometimes he listens to Uncle Aaron singing Billy Joel or other times he's in the mood for something a bit more.......wild.  Cue Wild Wild Women, maestro.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

First haircut

Jackson pretending like he doesn't see what's coming
 Today we took Jackson to get his first haircut. It was getting a bit out of control - he's been called a girl several times recently and it was time for a trim. Nothing too drastic, I thought. Just trim his bangs so they're not in his eyes, and shorten the back a bit since it was so long. Adam begrudgingly agreed, saying it probably was about time. So we drove to Kids Kuts and waited for our turn in the toy cluttered room.

Our shaggy man pre-cut
We loaded Jackson into Lightning McQueen and the stylist put a cape on him and started spraying his hair to wet it.  Then, she went to town with that scissors. 
Overall, he was a pretty good boy for the stylist
It was over before we knew it and Princess Jacqueline had been transformed into a Pennsylvania Dutch Boy.  It seriously looks like she put a bowl on his head.  I was laughing so hard I was crying.  And then I got home and really cried.  So much for a trim - our future rock star lost his look!
Somehow the skeletons don't quite fit the image anymore

Sunday, April 10, 2011

A walk through the park

Brandywine Park on 4.10.11

The universal sign for "How the heck do I get off of this picnic table alone?"

Downward facing bear

Bunny to bear

Our little bunny has turned into a bear in almost exactly one year.

New art

We bought a couple of the Little Nest photos to hang in the house and think that they turned out nicely.  Jackson loves to point at himself!

This is how you go down the slide

This is Jackson's latest trick at Gymboree.

Snot nose Jackson

Poor Jackson was pretty sick last week with what we thought was a nasty head cold.  Turns out it was a bit more of a stomach bug, so we had to keep him home from day care on Wednsday and Thursday of last week.  He was quite a sight for sore eyes when he woke up one morning, and then when he came home looking like a homeless man (pink pants and a fleece with sheep on it) because he threw up on himself and apparently we didn't have any extra clothes for him.