Friday, May 20, 2011

Throwback Thursday

Although there may be a mama at the beginning, it is clear what his favorite word is.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Mother's Day

Mother's Day was WONDERFUL.  If I were ever President (of anything) I would make Mother's Day every day! Both of my boys were uber sweet to me. 
First, I woke up to breakfast in bed.  Daddy and Jackson made me pumpkin pancakes with a nice side of fruit (which Jackson had to have all the blueberries although he had already had breakfast). 

Then, Jackson did the housework while mommy kicked her feet up.

In the afternoon, we headed to Jasmine for a sushi lunch. 
Jackson's sophisticated "I'm lunching" look

After that, it was off to Longwood Gardens for the first stroll of the season. We thought we would be back a few times this year, so bought season passes.
Jackson showing off his belly in front of the fountain

Jackson at his finest

The little thief tries to destroy the evidence of his bad behavior.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Heart Doctor Hardt

Today we went to the Flower Market in Rockford Park and decided that among many choices (firefighter, astronaut, policeman, artist, etc.), Jackson would be a doctor when he grows up.  Introducing heart Doctor Hardt.

Thursday, May 5, 2011