Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Not on my airplane!

I'm woefully behind in updating this blog (and am currently sitting in a Holiday Inn in Mansfield, MA with no access to pictures to do a decent update), but wanted to share the story from our trip home from WI yesterday. 

It is no secret that Jackson has turned into a bear to fly with because he won't sit still.  The entire flight is comprised of Adam and I passing him back and forth, back and forth.  Until yesterday.  The flight attendant quickly put the smack down on the passing, insisting that Jackson could not sit in an aisle seat, and had to be in Adam's lap in the window seat.  Needless to say, I exchanged some words with her, but surprisingly Jackson fell asleep in Adam's arms and we thought we would survive this new rule.  Until he woke up....and threw a tantrum.  The kind of tantrum that Mr. Peepers, blueberries, a sippy cup, an iPad and a Blackberry would not fix.  The kind of tantrum where I thought "well, it's good this didn't happen on the ground, because I think that flight attendant might have kicked us off."  And he screamed.  And he kicked.  And he cried.  And the people around us were staring, wondering how it was possible we could not get him under control.  And then out of nowhere, the flight attendant appeared again and got in Jackson's face and told him (in a very loud voice that the entire plane could hear), that he basically needed to shape up or ship out - "Not on my airplane" she repeated.  And you know what?  It worked immediately!  She handed me a cookie and basically dared me to suggest I needed to feed him a proper dinner first.  He sat on daddy's lap for the next hour and would look at her out of the corner of his eye whenever she would pass by!