Saturday, March 17, 2012

Friday night fun

We deviated from our normal Friday night pizza routine since we had pizza the night before.  Instead we went to Firestone for dinner and walked along the riverfront and then went home.  Jackson picked up Daddy's phone and was laughing at a video of himself and saying his name (which until last night had escaped him).  
Wearing Christmas pajamas and his hat, Jackson decided to ride his truck backwards

Luau at Goddard

On Thursday, Jackson's school held a Luau open house to welcome spring and thankfully I was home to be able to go (after packing my suitcase 4 different times in the past week).  One of the other mothers said "I didn't realize Jackson had a mommy."  Apparently she missed that day in school where it was noted that only women have the luxury of carry 9 lb 14 oz babies into this world........

We had pizza and walked through the various classrooms to look at the decorations.  Mr Bill from We Kids Rock was also there.  Fun times!

Jackson's Happy Heron room
Jackson's art work
Cars are one of his favorite things these days
Reading books (and tearing pages)

March Madness

For his 2nd birthday, Grandma and Granpa Porter hit the nail on the head when they got Jackson a basketball hoop.  At first I thought it was going to be too high for him to reach on the lowest setting, but it's perfect and he can make his shots after he gives the ball a kiss (ok, not really a kiss, but he brings the ball right to his lips when he's shooting so it looks like it).  Now that the weather is nice, he's hitting the "court" for a little action before school each day.  Hooray for play time outside!

Killington, VT

The first weekend in March, we took a long weekend and went skiing in Killington, VT. It was the first time any of us had been to Vermont, and officially marks Jackson's 13th state and first paid flight. No more lap babies in this household! Katie and Andy, our friends from Wilmington (and fellow Badgers) joined us for the weekend.  We were very fortunate with the warm weekend we have had to arrive for what the locals said was the best weekend of skiing all season.  It even snowed while we were there and thankfully the temperatures were reasonable.

Katie &Andy
And what did Mr. Boozer Bear do while we were hitting the slopes?  Play at the Friendly Penguins daycare center!  He was in heaven with all the toys!  Apparently what he didn't love so much was when they tried to get him to put on snow pants and go outside.  He had never put on snow pants before, so I wasn't surprised he resisted.  They do put them up on skis at 2, but they will just have to wait until next time.

Boozer & Daddy resting after a long day of playing/snowboarding
Jaackson & Daddy in front of the fish window at the Albany airport

Bowling bonanza

The last weekend in February we got some friends together and went bowling to make use of a gift certificate Adam won in a silent auction.  Jackson has been to the bowling alley before (for a birthday party), but this was the first time he was big enough to quasi-understand what was going on.  We had lots of fun and Jackson had a great time eating pizza, helping mommy & daddy bowl and tackling his best buddy Joe.