Sunday, April 15, 2012

First Visit to the Dentist

On Wednesday, Jackson went to the dentist for the first time.  Daddy and mommy both went (more for reinforcement than anything) and he was surprisingly good!


Lots going on, lots to catch up on, but will leave you with a few Easter pics before we leave for the Bahamas in a bit. 

Highlights include:

GDaddy Feel (e.g., Phil) arrived on Friday night.  And even though it appears like it, Jackson did not get into a fight.  He just has really bad allergies (which doesn't explain the bad haircut, unfortunately).

Saturday we dyed eggs and went to Longwood Gardens and then went to dinner in Philly (sans Jackson)

Easter started with brunch with the neighbors, an Easter Egg hunt, then Easter dinner with Phil, Katie and Andy

More pictures here.