Tuesday, March 19, 2013


On Friday, Adam, Jackson and I went for my 18 week ultrasound and to see if Butter Bean would reveal his/her true identity.  We (I) decided I wanted to find out the gender this time around so I could properly prepare if I would be living with 3 boys for the rest of my life.  Adam was down with it too and we decided to bring Jackson with to experience seeing the baby in momma's belly.

The ultrasound tech took a ton of measurements so it was probably 20 minutes or so before she asked if we were sure we wanted to know the gender.  She then said "it's definitely a girl!"  I may have cried a few tears of joy/relief but did feel a bit sad that Jackson wouldn't have a little brother to play trains with.  Something tells me this little girl has a pretty good chance of being a tom boy though.  

On Saturday I was walking home from getting my hair cut and ducked my head into the resale shop down the street and decided Butter Bean needed to have this in her nursery. Let the pink extravaganza begin!

Belly shot - 18 weeks

I've been buying dresses lately for our upcoming trip to CA and also because I know it's what I'm going to be living in this summer.  I promise you this bump arrived much earlier this time around, but has been covered up by sweaters, coats and scarves.  Putting a dress on makes you feel VERY pregnant.  

As you can tell, Jackson is very interested in the fashion show!