Saturday, October 31, 2009

25 Week Update

How far along? 25 weeks

Total weight gain? 17.8 lbs

Maternity clothes? Just bought myself that much needed winter coat. Thank goodness for Old Navy maternity

Sleep? I think I'm past the stage of getting a full nights rest at this point

Best moment this week? Discussing baby names

Movement? Yes, and I'm able to see my belly move on some of the stronger kicks/punches

Gender? Still haven't changed our mind about finding out!

Food cravings? No pickles and ice cream for me

Labor signs? Holding strong

Belly Button in or out? She's about to blow

What I miss? Sleeping through the entire night on my back

What I am looking forward to? Thanksgiving

Weekly Wisdom? When someone asks if it's ok to eat vodka sauce on your pasta (while you are eating it) exclaim "Yes, it's the only way I get any alcohol these days!"

Milestones? Had my 6 month check up last week and everything is looking good. Placenta has moved out of the way, so no need for c-section at this point.

The "linea nigra" running above and below my ready-to-pop belly button. Apparently this line does go away after birth.

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