Thursday, December 23, 2010

Throwback Thursday

Now that he's starting to walk, interesting to look back to when he was just starting to crawl (Aug 1, 2010).

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


On Saturday, we took Jackson to the post office to get his first passport. Aruba will be his first stamp in February, but hopefully it's just the first of many international trips he will take in his life. Anyway, his passport picture is pretty bad ass thanks to daddy who had him wear his bones pj's.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Weekend Fun (and first steps)

We had a good old time this weekend doing absolutely nothing. I was happy to be home after being gone the past 4 out of 5 weekends (Cleveland, DC, NYC, Chicago) and we spent the time......

Opening Christmas presents from G-daddy Phil

Being tickeled by the Tickle Monster

Playing with blocks (A is for afro, B is for biker, C is for corndog)

Breaking mommy's vase

Climbing boxes and......

Taking first steps! He's been doing practice steps for about a week, but Saturday he took multiple steps throughout the day so figured it was time to say he had taken his first steps. Tonight he demonstrated his newfound skills to Grandma and Grandpa Porter on the web cam. Look out!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

10 month update

Weight: 25 lbs 12 oz

Length: 29.5 inches

Visitors: Grandma and Grandpa Porter came to visit for 2 weeks over Thanksgiving. We had lots of fun hanging out while mommy worked. We went for a walk, went to the mall, went to DC for Thanksgiving, and then I hung out with Daddy and Grandpa while Mommy and Grandma went to NYC for Grandma's 60th birthday.

Sleeping patterns: Well, this past month has been a mixed bag of sleeping experiences. For a few weeks, I would wake up in the middle of the night and cry for mommy and daddy, who would then bring me into the big kids bed with them, which made me really happy and I would immediately fall back asleep. However, mommy and daddy weren't getting any sleep so it all came to a head on Thanksgiving when mommy said "enough is enough." She read a book all the way home from DC and made a new rule that I had to be in bed by 8 pm each night. We also spend about 15 minutes playing in my room beforehand. Works like a charm - I'm back to being a great sleeper and sleep about 11 hours each night.

My Likes: I love climbing up the stairs, but know that I'm not suppose to because I look around to see if anyone is watching me. I also like riding my truck that Aunt Milly and Uncle Jason gave me for Christmas. I can even push it forward with my feet! I also like to pretend I'm reading and to play ball with daddy.

My Dislikes: I still don't like having my diaper changed.

Other milestones: I've now got 6 teeth - 3 on top and 3 on the bottom. This means I've been eating more "people" food lately. Boy, did I love that guacamole that mommy made! I also started standing on my own, but have yet to take my first true "steps".

Trips: We took a trip to Aunt Milly and Uncle Jason's new house outside DC for Thanksgiving. I had so much fun crawling all over their big house and playing with the girls (or completely ignoring them).

Looking forward to in the next month: Going to Milwaukee and Tomah for Christmas. I'm going to meet Santa, too!

Baby it's cold outside

Although we're just getting our first snow today, it's been pretty cold outside. Given that Jackson won't keep a hat on, we had to buy him a winter coat that had a hood. Here are the boys on their way to work/school!

So sleepy

Not sure what happened at day care on this particular day, but it totally tuckered Jackson out. At 6 pm, he laid down on the floor with his blanket under his head and slept for half an hour before he woke up, ate dinner and then went to bed for the night!

Throwback Thursday

If you can't pull yourself up, then just make silly noises.

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Life has been a bit crazy lately with visitors, the holidays and travel. Here is a quick recap (and explanation about why so few posts lately).
Grandma and Grandpa Porter arrived the Monday before Thanksgiving and stayed for two whole weeks (with a short break to head to DC for Thanksgiving). We also went down to DC for a couple of days for Thanksgiving. Then it was back to work for a few days before Grandpa and Grandma were back in Wilmington just in time to celebrate Grandma turning 60. Then on Friday, Adam and I had tickets for the theater. Then early the next morning, Amanda and I took Grandma to NYC for her first visit. We were back on Sunday late afternoon, only to re-pack as they were flying home the next morning and I was going to Hershey for 3 days for a client workshop. So, now I'm home for the moment, and thought I would upload this picture of Jackson and his crazy hair before I leave tomorrow morning for a girls weekend in Chicago. Up until last weekend I had only been away from Jackson for one night since he was born and this week alone I'll be away for 5 nights. 'Tis the season!

Throwback Thursday

The baby buddha when he's 5 months old and starting to sit up and crawl (and just lay there and kick his fat little legs)