Thursday, December 9, 2010


Life has been a bit crazy lately with visitors, the holidays and travel. Here is a quick recap (and explanation about why so few posts lately).
Grandma and Grandpa Porter arrived the Monday before Thanksgiving and stayed for two whole weeks (with a short break to head to DC for Thanksgiving). We also went down to DC for a couple of days for Thanksgiving. Then it was back to work for a few days before Grandpa and Grandma were back in Wilmington just in time to celebrate Grandma turning 60. Then on Friday, Adam and I had tickets for the theater. Then early the next morning, Amanda and I took Grandma to NYC for her first visit. We were back on Sunday late afternoon, only to re-pack as they were flying home the next morning and I was going to Hershey for 3 days for a client workshop. So, now I'm home for the moment, and thought I would upload this picture of Jackson and his crazy hair before I leave tomorrow morning for a girls weekend in Chicago. Up until last weekend I had only been away from Jackson for one night since he was born and this week alone I'll be away for 5 nights. 'Tis the season!

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