Thursday, June 16, 2011

Throwback Thursday

Throwback to January 10 when Jackson was just pefecting his walking, falling and soccer skills all while holding on to the remote.

Where is it?

Adam discovered the other day that Jackson loves playing in the sink while the water is running (sorry Earth!).  We put him in the sink the other day to play a bit, and then decided to turn it into a bath.  At one point, Jackson became aware that he was naked and started looking for you know what below his big buddha belly.  

Pajama Day

Pajama day at daycare is a big hit in the Hardt house.  You just wake up and go (ok, maybe not exactly)!  On the most recent pajama day, Jackson sported the new monkey slippers he got from Grandma Honey that he wore all day long.  During summer, they also have water days twice a week which involves an extra set of swim clothes, swim shoes and a towel.  And tomorrow is Donuts for Dads day, following a nice Muffins for Moms that I had in May.  To top it off, all the teachers at Goddard are great and take great care of our little man.  At the end of the day though, he is happy to say "buh-bye" with barely a glance back.

Bambino Trail is mobile

QR code of mobile preview of your blog
By now you have probably seen lots of QR codes in advertising (those little buggers pictured above) so thought I would post one as the sign of the times for Jackson.  If you have a smart phone, just download a QR reader (I use i-nigma for my i-Phone) and snap away.  The one above will take you to a mobile-friendly version of Bambino Trail.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Gramma Honeys

On May 12, we headed to Gramma Honey's in Milwaukee for a long weekend filled with family and friends.  Here are the highlights:

Riding in an old wagon, complete with the tub that daddy use to put his papers in for his route!

Driving the car at the playground - always a favorite

Riding a beautiful rocking horse at Uncle Aaron's house

Playing Uncle Aaron's instruments

Flying on Aunt Jamie's airplane

Learning to cook with Grandma Honey

Eating Grandma Honey's jello squares for the first time

Playing ball with the boys

Hanging out with G-mommy Kate and G-daddy Phil

Self photo with Grandma Honey

Playing the keyboard with G-Pop

15 month update

Weight: 27 lbs 6 oz
Length: 32.75 inches
Visitors: Auntie Andra came to visit at the end of February before moving back to Paris.
My Likes: I love listening to music, especially the Beatles and Michael Jackson.  I usually sway back and forth, clap, snap my fingers and have recently been stomping my foot as well.  I like mommy and daddy to hold me - I'm always reaching "up" so they will pick me up.  Banging the cabinet doors, especially when no one is paying attention to me.  I also love reading books, especially Hop on Pop, Barnyard Dance, I am a Bunny and Goodnight Moon. I am definitely an "observer" and like to watch other people.  Have I mentioned how much I love my daddy?  I am definitely a daddy's boy and cannot get enough of his attention.

My Dislikes: I still hate having my diaper changed and therefore turn almost every change into an opportunity to pretend we're at a rodeo.  I have also been throwing some tantrums lately - usually when I don't get my way, or for no reason at all!
Other milestones: I'm saying lots of words now and use a few signs like more, please and love.  I've also been blowing kisses to people when they leave.  I'm a great eater (and not very picky at all) and a great sleeper (approx 7 pm - 6:30 am).  I also love to show off my belly and get lots of laughs when I try to suck my big "daddy belly" in!
My Words: Dada (my favorite word), Mama (seldom!), book, ball, more, bubbles, buh bye (while waving), uh oh (while putting both hands on his head)
Trips: We went to Milwaukee at the end of May for a long weekend. 
Looking forward to in the next few months: Grandma and Grandpa Porter coming for a week and a half at the end of May/beginning of June. Going to WI to see all the grandparents (and other family and friends) July 1 - 11.  Hopefully going to the beach one of these weekends!