Sunday, June 5, 2011

15 month update

Weight: 27 lbs 6 oz
Length: 32.75 inches
Visitors: Auntie Andra came to visit at the end of February before moving back to Paris.
My Likes: I love listening to music, especially the Beatles and Michael Jackson.  I usually sway back and forth, clap, snap my fingers and have recently been stomping my foot as well.  I like mommy and daddy to hold me - I'm always reaching "up" so they will pick me up.  Banging the cabinet doors, especially when no one is paying attention to me.  I also love reading books, especially Hop on Pop, Barnyard Dance, I am a Bunny and Goodnight Moon. I am definitely an "observer" and like to watch other people.  Have I mentioned how much I love my daddy?  I am definitely a daddy's boy and cannot get enough of his attention.

My Dislikes: I still hate having my diaper changed and therefore turn almost every change into an opportunity to pretend we're at a rodeo.  I have also been throwing some tantrums lately - usually when I don't get my way, or for no reason at all!
Other milestones: I'm saying lots of words now and use a few signs like more, please and love.  I've also been blowing kisses to people when they leave.  I'm a great eater (and not very picky at all) and a great sleeper (approx 7 pm - 6:30 am).  I also love to show off my belly and get lots of laughs when I try to suck my big "daddy belly" in!
My Words: Dada (my favorite word), Mama (seldom!), book, ball, more, bubbles, buh bye (while waving), uh oh (while putting both hands on his head)
Trips: We went to Milwaukee at the end of May for a long weekend. 
Looking forward to in the next few months: Grandma and Grandpa Porter coming for a week and a half at the end of May/beginning of June. Going to WI to see all the grandparents (and other family and friends) July 1 - 11.  Hopefully going to the beach one of these weekends!

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