Thursday, November 10, 2011

21 month update (and a haircut)

21 months - pre-haircut
Weight: 33 lbs

Length: 34.25 inches (ok, technically when mommy measured me it was 33.75 inches, but 3 months ago the dr said I was 34.25 inches)

My Likes: Hiting the balloon with my soft bat, going up and down the stairs alone, taking a bath, going into the fridge to find "cheez" or "melk", going "ouside", my "yaya (iPad)", Buzz, Elmo, sitting on mommy or daddy's lap while they are at the computer, Skpe with grandparents (I cry when the call is over), having mommy read me books, telling mommy and dady to "walk" and then pulling them to the ground, tackling daddy with a football,

Why do you think it's time for a haircut?

My Dislikes:  I hate having my diaper changed (some things never change).  At the same time, I'm very reluctant to sit on the potty even if it means I could wear "undies."  I still get mad when mommy tells me no and I've started biting again.  I also don't like having my food cut into small pieces - I'll take it whole, thankyouverymuch.  Getting my haircut. 
Post-hair cut.  Mommy didn't have the heart to go short.
My Words: Lots of words, but haven't yet put two words together.  I'm finally saying mama a lot and dada has become daddy!  I like to point out the window and say "outside."  Mama and daddy like to make me say Buzz, fish, poon (spoon or fork) because of how I enunciate.  And I've just started to say "no" as well.

Trips: Mommy and daddy have been doing all the traveling lately!  If I'm lucky, I get to Target.

Looking forward to in the next few months: Whirlwind trip to WI for Christmas and New Years.  Mommy also told me that I'll be in the Bahamas in April with mommy & daddy and Grandma and Grandpa Porter so I'm trying to get my belly ready for the beach.

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