Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Puke Fest 2012

Last year brought us the advent of Shit Fest and this year brings us Puke Fest. It's in these moments that you really appreciate what parenthood is really about.....getting ready for a great day, only to go upstairs to find a very quiet Boozer covered head to toe in more than just pajamas.  So, we had our first bath of the day and then crawled into mommy & daddy's bed to watch Pooh. For the record, the smell permeates everything, so it was two more baths before his hair smelled like normal again.  I stayed home since we didn't want to take him to daycare, but he was totally fine for the rest of the day.  Mommy was the lucky one to come down with it on Sunday (which perhaps was just a quick way of getting bathing suit ready for when we head to Miami this week). 

Then on Saturday Boozer took to the froggy potty again, this time with iPad in hand to watch some Cars while we waited for him to tinkle on the toilet.  Success!

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