Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Halloween, Honey and Hunkering Down

Let's pretend it's still October, shall we?  

Grandma Honey arrived on Saturday, October 27.  We picked her up at the airport and told her that we were taking her on a surprise day trip.  About an hour later we arrived at.......Sesame Place! We had so much fun there seeing all the Halloween decorations and going on all the rides.  

Superstorm Sandy was coming in.  On Sunday, the rain started.  After stocking up on some essentials, we went to a movie and dinner knowing that we might not get out of the house for a couple of days.  On Monday and Tuesday, work and daycare were closed.  We were extremely lucky because we never lost power and only had some minor water in the basement.  It turned out to be a couple of extra vacation days.

On Wednesday, it was Halloween and time to do some trick-or-treating around the neighborhood.  Jackson had three costumes - Thomas, a fire fighter and baseball player.  We figured he would be either Thomas or a fire fighter and save the baseball player for his school party.  As it turns out, he fell asleep on the couch after dinner and before trick-or-treating and then didn't want anything to do with costumes.  We loaded him in the stroller (sans costume) while Daddy walked around as Thomas.  I suspect he was willing to do this for his own love of candy.......

Then on Friday, after Honey had left and mommy was on a business trip, Jackson had his Halloween party at school where he was an awesome baseball player!

More pictures here.

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