Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Life of a Leopard

Did you know that leopards.......

drink bottles?

take naps?

cry when they wake up from their naps?

get their picture taken with their daddies?

cry when they can't crawl very well?

ride in a stroller?

go trick-or-treating?

take pictures with mommies?

read Halloween books?

eat their tails?

Vintage Leopard

Grandma Honey made a leopard costume in 1970 for Uncle Aaron. Who would have thought that it would survive the test of time so Jackson could wear it in 2010.....forty years later!!! Everyone loved Jackson's "vintage" costume.

Jackson, 8 months, 2010

Uncle Aaron, 27 months, 1970

Daddy, 15 months, 1972

Auntie Andra, 16 months, 1975

What a weekend!

We had a fun, busy weekend that went something like this......

Friday - Trick or Treating at mommy's office in Philadelphia

Saturday - Jackson's first swim lesson, bought a new (used) Pilot, installed the big boy car seat, watched the World Series with Dave

Sunday - Went to Gymboree for some play time, had Amanda over for lunch and the Packer game, went trick-or-treating, handed out candy to trick-or-treaters that came to our house

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Walking (with some help)!

He hasn't stood without support yet, but he's starting to master walking across the living room behind his truck. This was a good $5 investment at the baby sale. It even "picks up" toys as it goes and spits it into the truck bed. Today he picked up his own rattle!

Even Super Heros Ride in Car Seats

And get mad and try and take their socks off!

Pumpkin Carving

We carved Jackson's first pumpkin when Grandma Honey was in town almost two weeks ago. The pattern we used was appropriately called "Grinning Jack."

Throwback Thursday

Just wait for the "finale" of kicks!

Baby Jack Jack

Today was the Halloween parade at Jackson's school. Jackson was "Baby Jack Jack" from the movie The Incredibles. At 10 am, all the parents lined up outside of the school and out the kids came, led by Baby Jack Jack, Tigger and a mermaid wheeled out in a crib for a trip around the building. Then we took him to AAA for impromptu trick-or-treating. Tomorrow is Halloween at Towers Watson in Philadelphia!

Thanks go Grandma Honey for making his costume!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Throwback Thursday

Almost four months old and I think the only time I put these things on his feet!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Badger fan through and through

Thanks to Grandma Honey for the new coat and hat! Now we don't have to steal other little boy's Badger gear.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

8 month update

Weight: 22.9 lbs

Length: 28.5 inches. I don't think I'm shrinking. I just think the nurse did a terrible job of measuring me at 6 months.

Visitors: Auntie Andra came last weekend for a little pumpkin action.

Sleeping patterns: Bed time has been moved up to around 8:30 pm on most nights and I will sleep until around 7 am. I sleep through almost every night, with some exceptions like last week when we had to have play time at 1:30 am.

My Likes: I like to do a lot of gross things right now - Drinking the water in the tub when I'm taking a bath, putting mommy and daddy's shoes in my mouth and chewing on the corner of the diaper box (proof in the picture above). Mommy also took me to Gymboree for the first time today and I had lots of fun playing on all the toys and having bubbles blown at me. Although I don't use the paci very much anymore, I do love to suck my thumb with something in my other hand (mommy's shirt, a blanket, a piece of paper). My favorite toy is probably the real remote control (minus batteries) that mommy & daddy gave me when they got tired of me changing the channels. I have also been tipping my head to the side recently, like I've got to get a different angle to figure something out.

My Dislikes: When mommy takes the magazine paper out of my hand that I'm trying to eat. When dinner time is over, I get fussy for a bit.

Other milestones: I've been eating some "adult" food like cheese and Ritz crackers. I also ate some avocado at a sushi restaurant, which I hated the first time mommy tried to feed it to me. I like sharing bananas with mommy too - she eats a bite, and then I get a bite. I'm pretty good at listening too - I know what "no" means, and I usually crawl to mommy or daddy when they ask me to. I haven't started walking yet, but I did "creep" from one thing to the other and if I'm holding mommy's hands I take these big, goofy steps like I'm in a marching band.

Trips: No big trips on planes this month. My next plane ride will be to Milwaukee for Christmas.

Looking forward to in the next month: Grandma Honey coming next weekend, Jenna the weekend after that and then Halloween. I have two costumes all ready to go! My swim classes start at the Y at the end of the month. Will mommy dunk me under?

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Ten Things You Should Know About Me by JKH

1. If I'm sitting on the floor and get mad, I lay my forehead down on the floor and start crying.

2. I HATE having my diaper changed. Most of the time, I scream my head off and try to roll-over so you can't do it with any ease.

3. I bob my head from side to side when the song plays on my activity station.

4. My top two teeth are big and have a nice big gap in between them. I look goofy!

5. I now go to bed between 8 and 8:30 pm and sleep until 6 or 7 am. I no longer get up in the middle of the night.

6. I love extra sharp cheddar cheese!

7. I hated the first homemade baby puree that mommy made me - why did she have to go and ruin it with broccoli?

8. My favorite book is Hop on Pop by Dr. Seuss. I will sit still and listen every time my mommy or daddy reads it to me. "STOP, you must not hop on Pop!"

9. I have a weird fascination with the purple cow in the poster in the living room.

10. I've appeared in at least 5 facebook profile pictures. Mommy says I'm too young to have my own page.

Pumpkin Patch

Auntie Andra came for a visit this weekend. We relaxed, ate cheese and wine and then tacos (we're not fancy!), went for a run, went to the coffee shop, went to Maryland for crabs, went to the apple/pumpkin orchard, went to the end of season kickball party and then put together part of the new patio set (visitors are usually put to work these days). It's always nice to have Auntie Andra visit! More pictures here.