Sunday, February 27, 2011

Flirty Fellow

Today we took Jackson back to Little Nest for his one year photo session. Last time they dubbed him "Sweet Baby J" and this time? "Flirty Fellow!" Although he wasn't a crying mess like last time, he was more interested in trying to figure out how to get out of the studio than he was taking any pictures. And when we put three cupcakes in front of him? Well, he stuck his hands in them, but then tried to figure how to get the frosting off. I tried to get him to lick his fingers, but he really doesn't seem to like frosting!

Here are the initial shots that they posted on their blog. Plese feel free to post a comment - we'll get a free photo (which isn't cheap with these guys) if we have 10 or more comments. Stay tuned for the rest of the photos!

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