Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Open letter to Jackson

Dear Jackson,

How much can change in a year?

The last time I wrote you an "open" letter, it was on January 24, 2010 and I was still calling you Peanut. Now you've graduated to "Booser" and you carry around blankets called "Giggles" and "Mr. Peepers." A year ago tonight, I was preparing to go to the hospital in the morning, in the midst of a blizzard, and deliver you. Tonight I am preparing for us to take your eighth flight tomorrow morning to the sun and sand in Aruba, both a celebration of your first birthday and of daddy and I actually surviving one year of parenthood. As a side note, one year ago tonight, daddy was watching an episode of CSI and there was a girl who got a "Jackson" tattoo on her neck, sealing the deal in his mind that you were in fact going to be a boy.

And then you arrived, at 8 am on 2.10.2010 crying like a little kitty cat to Sheryl Crow singing "Soak Up the Sun." Then, you had dark hair, olive shaped eyes, darker skin and looked like the nurses gave us the Chin's baby by accident. Today, you are blonde haired, blue eyed and fair skinned spitting image of your daddy.

You wanted to be held constantly, fed by your mommy and to sleep on a chest, any chest you could find. Now you have appointments every 30 seconds around the house - first the pantry, then the filing cabinet, then underneath the sink, don't forget to go bang on the door, where is my iPhone, let's climb up the stairs while mommy and daddy aren't looking.

And so as we embark on your second year of life, I just wanted to let you know that even though you have changed so much over the past year and changed our life, the one constant is that I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I'm living my baby you'll be.


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