Wednesday, August 10, 2011

18 month update

Weight: 29 lbs 5 oz (92nd Percentile)

Length: 34.25 inches (92nd Percentile)

Visitors: A lot of people came to my house on July to see me, but then I realized they were really there to send daddy into his 40s.

My Likes: Throwing balls, riding my car around the house, crawling on furniture, playing with the iPad, walking up the stairs alone (no more crawling), smacking Daddy's meatball (belly), picking blackberries off the bush in the backyard, sitting in the front seat of cars (not while in motion), Miss Jenny at day care (who I gives hugs and kisses to!), water (baths, oceans, water tables, splash day)

My Dislikes: I don't really like to listen to mommy and when she makes me mad I either bang my head on the floor or bite her.  I don't have much patience either, which daddy says I get from mommy.

Other milestones: I'm pretty handy with a fork and spoon.

My Words: Melkkkkkkk (for the white stuff you drink), beep beep (for cars), up down, Dada and occasionally daddy (still my favorite word), Mama (seldom!), book, ball, more, bubbles.  Surprisingly, the one wond I don't say is "No" although I love to shake my head

Trips: We just went to RI last weekend and spent a week in WI the first week of July

Looking forward to in the next few months: Grandma Honey and G-Pop coming to visit for a week in Sept and going to the beach while they are here

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