Sunday, August 28, 2011

Jackson's First Hurricane (and Tornado Warning)

What are the chances of experiencing an earthquake and hurricane in the same week in the same state?  No need to go to the west coast for the earthquake and south for the hurricane, Delaware has it all!

Thanks to everyone for their inquiries about our safety - everything is totally fine and Wilmington managed to escape the brunt of the storm, I think. 

Here's a quick recap of the past 36 hours:

Friday we stocked up on water and some groceries after work.  One large gas station was completely out of gas.  The grocery store I went to was out of water, bananas, berries, but I did manage to grab the last loaf of non-white bread!  Adam luckily got some water at the grocery store by his office. I also made a nice dinner, thinking that we may be without power and water for a few days and eating Lara bars!

Saturday morning we got up and started moving everything indoors - patio furniture, Jackson's toys, even the grill (minus propane).  We moved the cars out of the way of trees.  Then we went for a nice long walk in preparation for hunkering down.  I baked some muffins.  We spent most of the day inside hanging out, watching coverage of Irene on tv until we couldn't take it any more.  It rained a little, it was a little windy, but nothing crazy.  Jackson went to bed around 8 pm and then at 10:30 pm when Adam and I were getting ready to turn out the lights, there was a tornado warning for Wilmington.  So, I got Jackson up, and we went down in the basement for 15-20 minutes.  Then it was back upstairs and to bed (with the tv on in our room in case there were anymore tornado warnings as there are no sirens out here).  We all woke up at 7 am to some wind and rain.  We took a walk outside at lunch to the restaurant down the street.  I saw one small tree down, but that was really the extent of any damage I saw.  Then by 5 pm, the wind was dead and the sun was shining!  Such a weird weekend, but we are so thankful that it was such a non-event for us in the end and that we never lost power.  

And through it all, Jackson was great!  I think he knew something was up and was on extra special good behavior.  An earthquake and hurricane in one week is sure one for the (baby) book!

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