Saturday, February 25, 2012

Birthday celebration

Jackson had a great birthday week.  It started on the morning of his birthday when he had some blueberry oatmeal before he headed off to daycare to share some treats with his friends, including a cd of his favorite songs.  On the playlist?  Everything from Viva la Vida by Coldplay to Wheels on the Bus. 

For his birthday dinner, we went out for pizza (it was Friday after all!) and then went to Berry Yummy for some yogurt.

He opened presents and cards from all over the world!  Thanks to everyone for being so thoughtful!

 On Saturday we went to music class, to Johnnies Dog House for lunch and then Learning Express to see a tattered Elmo who was having his own birthday party.

On Saturday night, our friends Andy and Katie came over for dinner and we sang Jackson an out-of-tune rendition of Happy Birthday.  He was barely interested in the cupcake!

The Friday after his birthday he had his 2 year wellness visit.  It just so happens that the pediatrician's office is next door to Chuck E. Cheese and we thought he was at a good age to experience it for the first time.  Crappy pizza and all, it was a pretty good time!

2 years old!

Weight: 33.8 lbs (90th percentile)

Length: 36 inches (90th percentile)

My Likes: Love jamming out with daddy to the "knee" (concerts on TV) and going to my weekly music classes.  I'm less into the iPad these days, which makes mommy very happy.  We are also in the bad habit of going out for pizza every Friday night.  Daddy and I pull up to the house, mommy jumps in the car and I yell "pizza!"  Reading my books, even the ones that have real pages - I'm surprisingly gentle with them.  Watching Elmo, Pooh, Thomas in mommy & daddy's bed, going into the fridge to find something to eat & drink (the pediatrician told us to lay off the milk), when mommy & daddy have friends over so I can show off. 

My Dislikes:  Brushing my teeth and putting my clothes and coat on top the list.

My Words: The week I turned two, I really decided to start talking.  I can say pretty much any (simple) word that mommy and daddy ask me to say, and I'm starting to put lots of words together.  My favorite is "no fill in the blank." No bed, no bath, no coat, no, no, no, nooooooooooooooo.

Trips: Other than our trip to Miami, I've been staying pretty close to the homestead. 

Looking forward to in the next few months: The first weekend in March I'm going to VT for the first time so mommy and daddy can go skiing with Katie and Andy while I chill with the other kids at the resort day care.  I do  get to go out in the snow, which will be fun because we have had almost no snow this year!  At the end of April, I'm going to see Grandma and Grandpa Porter in the Bahamas while mommy and daddy go to Jenna's wedding. I am excited to be in my first wedding in July when G-mommy Kate and Matt get married. 

Sunday, February 19, 2012


On February 2, we woke up bright and early and caught Jackson's last free flight - to Miami!  I had an all-day meeting the next day, so we decided to head down early and then spend the weekend. We had a great time and here are a few highlights!

We headed straight from the airport to Key Largo, about 1.5 hours away.  Our first stop was Mile Marker 88, a restaurant on the bay that my colleague recommended.  It was perfect - we enjoyed some yummy seafood, a great view and then some pastel Adirondack chairs in the shallow water. 

We then headed north a bit to the Ocean side for a bit more wading in the bay off the Ocean and playing at a great playground, where Jackson could not get enough of the climbing wall.

Daddy and Jackson went to the Seaquarium while I was working.  They had a great time, and Jackson sat completely still during the sea lion show and got splashed with salt water during the dolphin show which made him cry until he saw that daddy was laughing. Jack was also introduced to a chocolate covered banana, which he loved.

We headed to the Miami Zoo right when it opened and rented a bike cart to get us around the zoo because it was so big.  You basically just stick the kids up front (where my purse is), but by the end Jackson was sitting on our laps.  The highlight was being able to feed the giraffes (for all of us!)

We then headed to Key Biscayne to go to a state park where there was suppose to be a good beach.  It wasn't exactly hot out, but eventually Jackson was stripped down to his diaper and enjoying the water (and seaweed)  And in case that you think Jackson is sweet all the time, I have proof to the contrary - a nice bruise where he bit me. He's a beast!

We headed to the hotel pool and went swimming for a bit before we packed up and headed to the airport for our flight.  A great pre-2nd birthday weekend of lots of fun (and great food for Mommy & Daddy)! 

More pictures here.