Saturday, February 25, 2012

2 years old!

Weight: 33.8 lbs (90th percentile)

Length: 36 inches (90th percentile)

My Likes: Love jamming out with daddy to the "knee" (concerts on TV) and going to my weekly music classes.  I'm less into the iPad these days, which makes mommy very happy.  We are also in the bad habit of going out for pizza every Friday night.  Daddy and I pull up to the house, mommy jumps in the car and I yell "pizza!"  Reading my books, even the ones that have real pages - I'm surprisingly gentle with them.  Watching Elmo, Pooh, Thomas in mommy & daddy's bed, going into the fridge to find something to eat & drink (the pediatrician told us to lay off the milk), when mommy & daddy have friends over so I can show off. 

My Dislikes:  Brushing my teeth and putting my clothes and coat on top the list.

My Words: The week I turned two, I really decided to start talking.  I can say pretty much any (simple) word that mommy and daddy ask me to say, and I'm starting to put lots of words together.  My favorite is "no fill in the blank." No bed, no bath, no coat, no, no, no, nooooooooooooooo.

Trips: Other than our trip to Miami, I've been staying pretty close to the homestead. 

Looking forward to in the next few months: The first weekend in March I'm going to VT for the first time so mommy and daddy can go skiing with Katie and Andy while I chill with the other kids at the resort day care.  I do  get to go out in the snow, which will be fun because we have had almost no snow this year!  At the end of April, I'm going to see Grandma and Grandpa Porter in the Bahamas while mommy and daddy go to Jenna's wedding. I am excited to be in my first wedding in July when G-mommy Kate and Matt get married. 

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