Saturday, February 25, 2012

Birthday celebration

Jackson had a great birthday week.  It started on the morning of his birthday when he had some blueberry oatmeal before he headed off to daycare to share some treats with his friends, including a cd of his favorite songs.  On the playlist?  Everything from Viva la Vida by Coldplay to Wheels on the Bus. 

For his birthday dinner, we went out for pizza (it was Friday after all!) and then went to Berry Yummy for some yogurt.

He opened presents and cards from all over the world!  Thanks to everyone for being so thoughtful!

 On Saturday we went to music class, to Johnnies Dog House for lunch and then Learning Express to see a tattered Elmo who was having his own birthday party.

On Saturday night, our friends Andy and Katie came over for dinner and we sang Jackson an out-of-tune rendition of Happy Birthday.  He was barely interested in the cupcake!

The Friday after his birthday he had his 2 year wellness visit.  It just so happens that the pediatrician's office is next door to Chuck E. Cheese and we thought he was at a good age to experience it for the first time.  Crappy pizza and all, it was a pretty good time!

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