Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day

I had a wonderful Mother's Day (weekend)!  Friday night, Amanda and I went out to dinner.  Saturday the boys and I strolled up to Rockford Park for the annual Flower Market.  Jackson went on some rides with us, we ate some food, I bought some herbs and vegetables and then we went home and I worked out in the yard.  Saturday night we got a babysitter so Adam and I could have dinner and see the Hunger Games.

Sunday started early (5:55 am) when Jackson got himself out of his crib and woke us up.  I came downstairs to a little Jackson art work, complete with hand prints and poem and a bonsai tree.  We got ready and went to a cafe for some coffee and pastries before we headed out to Longwood Gardens for a couple hours.  We had a great time there, roaming to parts we normally don't go, discovering a little children's garden.

Then we headed to Jasmine for a sushi lunch (Jackson had his first piece of spicy tuna, which he actually ate!), but not before we got suckered into the toy store for a new Thomas bridge.

Then it was back home for the boys to take a nap while I went and bought some more flowers and got a pedicure.  Then we spent lots of time outside, playing with the pedal car that Grandpa Hanson remade and gave to Jackson for Christmas (he likes to run behind and push it because his legs aren't long enough to reach the pedals yet) and playing with the neighbors in the backyard.  Then we called our moms (and Grandmas) for a little webcam action.  How lucky I am to be a mommy!  Now it's time for bed!!! More pictures here.

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