Sunday, May 6, 2012

Tinkle tinkle toot

For the past few days Jackson has been saying "poops" frequently, but when we look in his diaper, nothing.  So, we've been putting him on the potty - nothing.  Back on the diaper goes and then he poops.  So I told him that we would go to another movie if he pooped on the potty.  Apparently he really liked the movie experience because today he pooped on the potty for the first time! I was at Target, but according to daddy he was squatting and Adam asked if he was pooping. "Yep" he said, so daddy whipped off the diaper and put on the frog.  30 seconds later, a miracle! And daddy learned his lesson on handling such affairs, because as he was taking care of the prize, Jackson proceeded to poop and pee on the floor.  Since daddy is leaving for New Orleans today, we may have to wait until next weekend for a movie, but I did pick up a t-ball set for him.  And I will spare you the photo documentation, but suffice it to say, it was something for him to be proud of!

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