Thursday, June 28, 2012

Bahamas in April

In true "better late than never style" here are some of the highlights from our trip to the Bahamas in April for Jenna and Bruce's wedding.  Grandma and Grandpa Porter went with us and we all had a great time!  We did have a minor scare that landed Jackson in the emergency room after he had an allergic reaction to something - nothing like hitting the ER for the first time in a foreign country!  We did lots of things though - beach, zoo, Atlantis, submarine ride. 

Feeding the lorakeets at the zoo

Naked baby alert!  Good thing our beach was pretty quiet

Chilling in the hammock

Jackson praying. No wait, just another tantrum

Nap time on the beach

Swimming with Grandpa Porter

Going for a ride with Grandma

Hanging with the flamingos at the zoo

Drinking some of Grandpa's shake
Jenna walking down the sandy aisle

Beautiful bride and her handsome groom

At the reception

Pictures from the wedding here.

Pictures from the rest of the vacation here.

Pictures that Grandma Porter took are here.

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