Thursday, June 28, 2012

Paris & London

At the end of May I went to Paris to visit Auntie Andra for a few days before I went to London for business meetings.  And this is probably the first post that has absolutely nothing to do with Jackson, but as I learned in reading Bringing Up Bebe, a parenting book by an American living in France, (fabulous book that every parent should read), parents can have lives too.  And so for 4 days I was on vacation as a Parisian, sleeping in, drinking lots of cafe au lait, walking but not doing much of anything, eating dinner late, shopping and drinking wine with a great friend (who happens to be my sister-in-law).  It was divine and I cannot wait to go back.  More pictures here.

Nice view on our stroll

Andra and Jean Marc in Belleville Park

La Tour Eiffel
Notre Dame

Art work near the Pompidou

Olympic rings greeting me at the London train station

I was there the week before the Jubilee began
London Eye

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