Sunday, September 9, 2012

2.5 year update

Jackson decides to weigh himself at his 2.5 year appt.

Weight: 34.6 lbs (90-95th percentile)

Length: 37.5 lbs (75-90th percentile)

My Likes: Transportation:  Trains, trains, trains.  City bus, shuttle bus, trolley bus.  Big trucks.  Motorcycles.  Bicycles. And I point every. single. one. out while we are in the car.  Hitting the baseball off the tee (with the wrong end of the batt), going to the playground, destroying the house, helping myself to anything in the refrigerator, drinking "bubbles", playing with Joey, eating cereal, watching movies, watching baseball with daddy.

My Dislikes:  Mommy.  No really, I much prefer daddy right now.  Mommy would say she dislikes me biting and hitting, but this is suppose to be about me, and not her.  

My Words: Lots of words and sentences that allow me to be pretty bossy. Some of my best quotes are "Not nice momma!" and "No, daddy do it."  I also can sing lots of songs like ABCs, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Row Row Row Your Boat.  I also have some of the books momma reads me memorized and repeat it with her like "Five Little Monkeys." I also repeat everything that momma and daddy say, so they have to be extra careful now.  

Looking forward to in the next few months: Grandma Honey is coming to visit at the end of October and then Grandma and Grandpa Porter are coming in early November.  

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