Sunday, September 2, 2012

Potty Training

Jackson has been doing ok with potty training, but would probably be a whole lot better if mommy and daddy committed time to getting it done!  However, when he does sit on the potty, there are always results and we even started to give stickers on a Thomas potty chart.  Mommy made the mistake of offering a "special treat" if he went on the potty in the form of a small piece of candy or animal cracker and that soon became not viable because he was 1) always asking for a special treat, even when he wasn't on the potty 2) mommy didn't want him eating that much sugar 3) he didn't always think an animal cracker was a special treat and 4) I read that you're not suppose to reward children with food (makes sense, it's suppose to sustain you, not reward you!).  He even recently sat on the "big" potty, which up until that point it had just been the floor froggy potty.  

And of course potty training doesn't come without its accidents.  Twice Jackson sat on the potty, stood up like he was done, and promptly pooped on the floor.  No "tinkle tinkle toot, I did it, hooray, UNDIES!" yet......

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