Sunday, June 30, 2013


At the beginning of June, we took a short trip back to Milwaukee.  Jackson and Daddy left on Wednesday and I joined them on Saturday. We figured it would be pushing it to try to get back to WI over the Fourth and early June ended up being perfect weather-wise. We spent Saturday with Jamie, Aaron and Lorelei, and went to an indoor children's play area that was great, got some ice cream and then to a huge outdoor playground.  Adam and I caught a Brewers game on Sunday for a date-day and then on Monday, Adam, Jackson and I headed to Chicago late morning to meet up with friends in Millennium Park and see the free Glenn Hansard show.  Back home on Tuesday.  More pics here.

Will he be an air traffic controller or is this merely OCD?
Uncle Adam showing Lorelei the ya-ya ropes
Aunt Nicole hanging with Lorelei at the play area
Lorelei the Ladybug with her daddy
Jackson dancing on stage
Batter's up!

Self-Portrait at The Bean
Fountain in Millennium Park
G-daddy Phil and G-mommy Kate
Mark, Colson and Angel at the concert
Mommy, daddy and butter bean

Phil proving he is still the coolest g-daddy
Post-show shenanigans
My two rockers 
My two cuddlers

Saturday, June 29, 2013

5th Anniversary

On May 31, we celebrated our 5th (wooden) wedding anniversary!  We went to Krazy Kat's for an awesome dinner (and totally kitchy decor), which is at the Inn where we got married (we sadly haven't been there since we got married and it's just down the street from us!) while Jackson stayed home with Ms. Janet, one of his favorite babysitters.  Daddy got me a wooden statue of a husband, wife and baby and I got him an authentic Brewers baseball bat bottle opener.

Memorial Day

This year we went to Rehoboth Beach for Memorial Day. We love going down there and even though we took a chance that the weather wasn't going to be warm enough for the beach, it all worked out in the end because we filled the cooler days with go-carting, a movie and Fun Land!

Mother's Day 2013

I had a great Mother's Day that included a trip to Longwood Gardens, lunch with Andy, Kate and Anne and playing outside with Jackson and Joey.  

Frenchies come to visit

In early May, the Frenchies - Andra, Jean Marc and Anna - made a stop in Wilmington on their whirlwind US tour.  It was wonderful having them here with us for the weekend and we had a nice mix of action and laziness.   More pics here.

Checking out Pat's Cheesesteaks

Liberty Bell

Rocky immitators

French flag on Avenue of the Arts

love this LOVE

Anna's art

Baking donuts (and bacon)

Jackson and Anna

Jackson pushing the "baby" at the art museum

Batting cages!

Go-Carts for the boys!
Baby bumps for the girls!


At the end of April, we made one of my work trips to San Diego into a mini family vacation.  It was awesome (even though I did have to work a few days) given neither Jackson nor I had ever been to that part of CA before.  We did a lot in 9 days!  Cornado, Lego Land, Sea World, San Diego vs. Brewers, Angels game, Disneyland and Disney Adventure, La Jolla beach, visited Adam's UW-Madison roommate, Lance, and his family and San Diego zoo.  TONS more pics here.

Lounging at the pool at our resort
Took a little drive to Cornado

Cars Land!

More cars
Got majorly upgraded at our Disney hotel!
View from our hotel room
Met Mickey (amongst many others)
Watched some paragliders playing over the ocean
La Jolla "baby beach" with all the seals
Running on the beach
Jackson and Madison "playing" together
Sea World

Angels game
Lego Land

Jackson and Daddy made it on tv