Sunday, June 30, 2013


At the beginning of June, we took a short trip back to Milwaukee.  Jackson and Daddy left on Wednesday and I joined them on Saturday. We figured it would be pushing it to try to get back to WI over the Fourth and early June ended up being perfect weather-wise. We spent Saturday with Jamie, Aaron and Lorelei, and went to an indoor children's play area that was great, got some ice cream and then to a huge outdoor playground.  Adam and I caught a Brewers game on Sunday for a date-day and then on Monday, Adam, Jackson and I headed to Chicago late morning to meet up with friends in Millennium Park and see the free Glenn Hansard show.  Back home on Tuesday.  More pics here.

Will he be an air traffic controller or is this merely OCD?
Uncle Adam showing Lorelei the ya-ya ropes
Aunt Nicole hanging with Lorelei at the play area
Lorelei the Ladybug with her daddy
Jackson dancing on stage
Batter's up!

Self-Portrait at The Bean
Fountain in Millennium Park
G-daddy Phil and G-mommy Kate
Mark, Colson and Angel at the concert
Mommy, daddy and butter bean

Phil proving he is still the coolest g-daddy
Post-show shenanigans
My two rockers 
My two cuddlers

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