Thursday, September 12, 2013

1 month update

Weight: 10 lbs 6 oz (90th percentile)

Length: 20.5 inches (75th percentile)

Visitors: Grandma and Grandpa Porter for a week and a half, Grandma Honey for a 5 days, Phil for the day

Sleeping/eating patterns: I have been awake a lot more in the past couple of weeks and have developed a sleeping pattern at night, generally going to sleep around 9, and then eating at midnight, 3 am, 5 am and 7 am.  So, while I'm definitely not sleeping through the night, I'm at least on a schedule.  I'm also a good eater, generally eating every 2 - 4 hours.  

My Likes: Eating, pooping, repeat.  I love to kick my legs a lot and mommy has found me in a different part of the cradle than where she put me.  I also like to be carried on the front of mommy's chest when she walks down the street to get coffee.  And I like when brother Jackson and daddy tickle me. 

My Dislikes: Not being held when I know there are people available to hold me.  What is the problem with you people?  When those same people try to stick a paci in my mouth - I pretend to gag if I don't want it.  And what is with the Dr poking and prodding me?

Other milestones: First cold that only lasted a couple of days.  

Trips: None and I haven't even gotten to go to Target yet! Momma says she doesn't want to buy any more stuff that we are going to have to move to the new house.  I also have an appointment on Saturday to get my passport.  Word on the street is that I'm going to Paris in November to meet my new sidekick Vox.  

Looking forward to in the next month: Moving to my new house at the end of October where I actually have my own PINK bedroom and going for more walks once mommy feels better.  Meeting cousin Vox on Skype!

Want to compare me to my brother at this age?  Click here.
Jackson at one month old

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