Monday, September 23, 2013

Grandma & Grandpa Porter Visit Recap

Here is a little (overdue) recap from when Grandma and Grandpa Porter were here to help with Vivian's arrival.

No surprise, it was a very busy visit since they arrived on Saturday afternoon and Vivian was born on Monday morning. During the week and a half that they were here, we (or they in some cases) went house hunting, fixed stuff around the house, watched Jackson while we were at the hospital for two nights, went to Milburn Orchards, went to the Blue Rocks game, went to the "secret" duPont gardens by our house, went to Vivian's first photo shoot, went shopping, slept (a little), went to the playground, went to the parking lot so Jackson could ride his Hot Wheel.....and probably other things that I'm forgetting because I was in a post-baby fog.  We couldn't have done it without their help!

The proud grandparents
Vivian getting her first bottle

Grandma probably telling Vivian how much she reminds her of mommy
Bath time
Riding tractor at Milburn Orchards

At the gardens

At the Blue Rocks game
Grandma, Mommy & Viv

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