Sunday, January 12, 2014

Vivian's First Day of Daycare

Vivian's first day of daycare was Thursday, January 2. We spent a large part of New Years Day getting ready for Jackson to go back to school after a long break and for Vivian to go for the first time.  Bottles. Diapers. Wipes. Butt Cream. 2 outfits. Bibs. Pacis. It all got packed.  After mommy had a good cry about no longer getting to spend her days with this sweet little girl (shopping), then we all put on our big girl pants and it was show time.

Normally daddy does drop off and pick up since daycare is across the street from his office, but given it was such a big day, I worked from home so I could go with to do drop off, meet the teachers, get her situated and to generally make sure she was going to be ok.  It all went great - she did great and so did I (meaning, no tears from either one of us!)  To top it off, she is in the same Darling Ducklings class that Jackson was in and also has Miss Kim as her teacher.

I went back down there at lunch as we had forgotten Jackson's blanket for nap time, so it gave me a good excuse to see her again.  One of the things that is different since Jackson was in the infant room is that now they have an electronic system and they send you pictures multiple times a day.  She looks so happy in all of them, though I suppose they wouldn't take pics of her crying and send them to us!

And when we picked her up around 4:15 pm, she was totally conked out.  We got her in her carseat and she slept until 6:45 pm that night.  Day care totally tired her out!

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