Sunday, January 12, 2014

5 Month Update

Today Vivian turned 5 months old.  We had a pretty low key weekend, but did go to Anne's 1 year birthday party today.  It's so crazy how fast time has flown by for both of them!

Weight: 15 lbs 10 oz

Length: TBD

Sleeping/eating patterns: I just started sleeping through the night.  I go to bed at 7 pm and have been sleeping until 6 or 7 am.  Even though mommy knows that I'll probably regress at some point, it's been great for her to have a couple of nights of solid sleep.

My Likes: I love my exersaucer, especially in the morning when I'm bright eyed and bushy tailed.  I also love rolling around on the floor, gnawing on all my toys.  I'm never in the same spot that mommy left me.  I think my brother is really funny.  I love being in just my diaper and pulling at my toes.  I'm also a big fan of daycare - all my teachers say I'm a happy baby.

My Dislikes: Oatmeal. Mommy and daddy tried to give me some for the first time yesterday and I wanted nothing to do with it.  The proof is in the pudding.

Other milestones:  I can roll over both ways now.  I sleep on my belly.  I'm trying to get my knees under me so I can start crawling.  

Trips:  We went back to WI for a week and a half over Christmas.  Stay tuned for the mother of all blog updates on that one.  Mommy said she was too tired to try and do it tonight.  I just hope she gets it up before next Christmas.  

Looking forward to in the next month:   Jackson's fourth birthday party at Pump It Up! 

Want to compare me to my brother at this age?  Click here.

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