Friday, February 5, 2010


Yesterday I went to get my weekly ultrasound and to see my OB. The ultrasound was first and this is what happened in a nutshell:
  • First, I should say that when we woke up, Adam said to me "I want Peanut to come on Feb 10." He explains that a birth date of 02/10/2010 would be kind of cool. Ok, I'll see what I can do.
  • When I get to the ultrasound office, the tech places the wand on my belly and says "Oh my goodness, that baby has so much hair! Do you get a lot of heartburn?" This is the third ultrasound tech to comment on my very hairy berry.
  • She continues to measure Peanut and then says "I'm going to go show these pictures to the doctor and see if she wants to talk to you." Hmmmm.....that's a bit odd, I think. I ask what the baby is estimated to weigh and she says 10 lbs 7 oz and leaves the room. I am indeed ALL baby.
  • I spend the next 25 minutes in the room by myself telling myself that the dr is going to come in and tell me I need to have a c-section and that I need to be ok with that.
  • The dr comes in and tells me she recommends a c-section because of the Thomas the Tank I have in my belly. She does say that they can be off on the weight by up to 2 lbs, but that it's best to avoid having Peanut's shoulders get stuck. I start to cry, which is precisely what I told myself I would not do - after all, this helps me avoid going through labor!
  • I then go to see my OB and she confirms that it is best to have a c-section, especially since this is my first baby. Please, I think, do not say this needs to be done tomorrow. I have company coming into town. She says "Let's do it on Feb. 10." Oh, Adam is going to give her a big hug when he meets her!

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