Monday, February 1, 2010

38 week update, abridged

Not much has changed since I did the 37 week update, other than having my last day of work on Friday. What, you ask, will I be doing will ALL of my free time? This little list should get me started......

-Go to PA to see my friend Diana who just had a baby in Dec. Practice not dropping a new baby.
-Taxes. Ick, ick and ick, but they will be more icky if done after Peanut comes. And, wouldn't it be oh so nice if we were actually getting money back?
-Wedding album. No promises, but it's on the list.
-Argentina album - far more likely to happen than the wedding album.
-OB and ultrasound on Thurs, if nothing happens before then.
-Wait patiently for Peanut to venture into this crazy world of ours.

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