Given the Badgers demise to Cornell in the tourney, and this cute little outfit from my favorite client in Columbus, Jackson is a Buckeyes fan today (not forever!).
Friday, March 26, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Jackson tourist season is in full swing!
First, Grandma and Grandpa Porter came to visit. Grandma Porter stayed for 2 weeks! Then Grandma 'Honey' Hardt came for a week! And Rachel came all the way from Chicago for the day before heading to DC for a wedding. Next up? Auntie Andra comes for a visit over Easter and Uncle Josh comes in mid-April.
Last resort
This is what happens when mommy refuses to feed me and hides my pacies from me. This continued for at least 10 minutes before I freaked out (and mommy stopped being amused and fed me)!
Health Update
It seems like every week we've been at Jackson's pediatrician or Children's Hospital for one thing or another. The good news is, he is doing just fine! First, there was a mysterious bump on his head. Not sure how it got there, but after a trip to the pediatrician and then to the Children's hospital for some x-rays, we found out it was just a bruise and would go away. Then, there was the small hole in his heart that he was born with. We went back to the Children's Hospital for an ekg and the doctor said that although it's still there, there is a very high chance it will close by the time he is 1 and that we don't need to take any precautions. Next up is his two month check-up where he has to get four shots. Daddy will be coming with to that one!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Friday, March 19, 2010
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
One Month Birthday
Weight: 12 lbs 13 oz
Length: 22 inches
Visitors: Grandma and Grandpa Porter for two weeks, Amanda and Paul, Dave Monzo, Grandma Honey (Hardt) arrives today for a week
Sleeping patterns: I like to sleep more during the day than I do at night, but generally eat every 2-3 hours at night.
My Likes: Eating num nums, sleeping with my arms above my head, farting loudly
My Dislikes: Having my photos taken at Little Nest when I was 2 weeks old, being alone in a room by myself
Other milestones: Had first x-rays to see what the bump on my head was (thankfully just a bruise, which is just the first of many I'll have in my life), first walk in the stroller, my mommy returning to her pre-pregnancy weight (which I take almost full credit for with how much I like to eat)
Trips: None yet, unless you count going to Target!
Looking forward to in the next month: Moving to my new house where I actually have my own bedroom, going for more walks outside
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Professional Photos - Only online for 5 days!!

We just received the link to Jackson's professional photos, but they will only be online for the next 5 days. You can find them here: > enter site > clients > password: hardt
Monday, March 8, 2010
10 Things You May Not Know About Me
By: Jackson Keane Hardt
1. I love to sleep with my arms above my head
2. I have two little birthmarks - one on my back and one on my rumpus
3. I have baby acne (which my mom says is only fair given that I gave her acne when she was pregnant with me)
4. I love to ride in the car
5. I love watching the tv when I get my diaper changed
6. I don't half mind the bath - reminds me of being in mommy's belly
7. I have crazy gas that is crazy loud
8. I've peed on mommy, daddy, myself, Aunt Amanda and the nurse
9. I love to be held and especially to nap on a warm chest
10. I've recently discovered how to really cry like a baby. My face turns bright red and then I get what I want.
1. I love to sleep with my arms above my head
2. I have two little birthmarks - one on my back and one on my rumpus
3. I have baby acne (which my mom says is only fair given that I gave her acne when she was pregnant with me)
4. I love to ride in the car
5. I love watching the tv when I get my diaper changed
6. I don't half mind the bath - reminds me of being in mommy's belly
7. I have crazy gas that is crazy loud
8. I've peed on mommy, daddy, myself, Aunt Amanda and the nurse
9. I love to be held and especially to nap on a warm chest
10. I've recently discovered how to really cry like a baby. My face turns bright red and then I get what I want.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
What's in a name?
Although his "official" name may be Jackson Keane Hardt, we have already established plenty of nicknames for him. Here's just a sample:
-Jack (for obvious reasons)
-Peanut (GrandPop was right when he said some names stick)
-One eyed milk bandit (for the way he keeps only one eye open when he is rooting for milk)
-El Tigre ("the tiger" in spanish - sums up the way he eats!)
-Kitty cat (for the noises he makes)
-Jack Attack (for the way he attacks mommy when he's hungry)
-Jack of Hardts (Thanks to Grandma Honey for coming up with this one)
-Jack (for obvious reasons)
-Peanut (GrandPop was right when he said some names stick)
-One eyed milk bandit (for the way he keeps only one eye open when he is rooting for milk)
-El Tigre ("the tiger" in spanish - sums up the way he eats!)
-Kitty cat (for the noises he makes)
-Jack Attack (for the way he attacks mommy when he's hungry)
-Jack of Hardts (Thanks to Grandma Honey for coming up with this one)
Monday, March 1, 2010
Sweet Baby J
When Jackson turned two weeks old, we took him to Little Nest to have his first professional photos taken. A few of them are posted here on their blog. Please leave a comment on their blog because if we get 10 comments, we get a free photo print (which are not cheap!) Making comments about how roly poly he is is completely acceptable. I will post the link to the proofs when I receive them on March 10.
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