Monday, March 8, 2010

10 Things You May Not Know About Me

By: Jackson Keane Hardt

1. I love to sleep with my arms above my head
2. I have two little birthmarks - one on my back and one on my rumpus
3. I have baby acne (which my mom says is only fair given that I gave her acne when she was pregnant with me)
4. I love to ride in the car
5. I love watching the tv when I get my diaper changed
6. I don't half mind the bath - reminds me of being in mommy's belly
7. I have crazy gas that is crazy loud
8. I've peed on mommy, daddy, myself, Aunt Amanda and the nurse
9. I love to be held and especially to nap on a warm chest
10. I've recently discovered how to really cry like a baby. My face turns bright red and then I get what I want.

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