Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Health Update

It seems like every week we've been at Jackson's pediatrician or Children's Hospital for one thing or another. The good news is, he is doing just fine! First, there was a mysterious bump on his head. Not sure how it got there, but after a trip to the pediatrician and then to the Children's hospital for some x-rays, we found out it was just a bruise and would go away. Then, there was the small hole in his heart that he was born with. We went back to the Children's Hospital for an ekg and the doctor said that although it's still there, there is a very high chance it will close by the time he is 1 and that we don't need to take any precautions. Next up is his two month check-up where he has to get four shots. Daddy will be coming with to that one!

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