Wednesday, March 10, 2010

One Month Birthday

Weight: 12 lbs 13 oz

Length: 22 inches

Visitors: Grandma and Grandpa Porter for two weeks, Amanda and Paul, Dave Monzo, Grandma Honey (Hardt) arrives today for a week

Sleeping patterns: I like to sleep more during the day than I do at night, but generally eat every 2-3 hours at night.

My Likes: Eating num nums, sleeping with my arms above my head, farting loudly

My Dislikes: Having my photos taken at Little Nest when I was 2 weeks old, being alone in a room by myself

Other milestones: Had first x-rays to see what the bump on my head was (thankfully just a bruise, which is just the first of many I'll have in my life), first walk in the stroller, my mommy returning to her pre-pregnancy weight (which I take almost full credit for with how much I like to eat)

Trips: None yet, unless you count going to Target!

Looking forward to in the next month: Moving to my new house where I actually have my own bedroom, going for more walks outside

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