Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Hotlanta, baby!

Last Wednesday Jackson and I went on a business trip with Adam to Atlanta. It was Jack's first flight at almost two months old and he did great! On the way down there, he slept pretty much from the moment we left our house until we touched down in Atlanta. I didn't have to feed or change him once! While we were there we did pretty much everything that we would have done before Jack - went to the Aquarium, Braves vs. Cubs game (video below of Jack's first baseball game), Stone Mt., Botanical Gardens, the Zoo, World of Coke and even a French restaurant (he again slept the entire time).

We also spent lots of time with Adam's business contact, Steve, and his wife Diana and their (almost) 3 year old Jamie. Jamie loved Jack and if I had a quarter for every time she said "He's so silly" I would be able to buy Jack diapers for the next year. She was adorable (as you will see in the pictures). The flight back on Sunday was fairly smooth, although he didn't sleep the entire way. I'm just happy he didn't have any problem with his ears popping.

All in all, it was a great trip. Link to pictures here. And video of the ball game below.

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