Thursday, April 15, 2010

What a day!

Yesterday we had a jam packed day that included.....

-Me going to have blood taken to test that the diabetes is gone. I fainted, but thankfully Jack was fast asleep and the poor lady taking my blood didn't have to deal with him too.

-Going to Jackson's two month appt where he got 4 shots. I had to step out of the room so I didn't faint again at the sight of a needle. Adam and him bonded over the shots and Jack did great - only a tiny bit of crying that was over by the time they got back to the waiting room within minutes of me leaving.

-Buying Jackson a crib off the floor at a baby store since it takes 2-4 months to receive if you order one. It's coming today to be set up so soon Jack will be sleeping in a big crib which will be able to accommodate his big body.

-Going to the nursery to get plants and veggies for the house/garden

-Giving Amanda a tour of our new digs

-Going to the first kickball game of the season. Our team, the Sofa Kings, all got to meet Jackson for the first time. I was also happy to go from having a kickball in my belly to kicking one in a game - felt great to get out!

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