Wednesday, April 14, 2010

2 Month Update

Weight: 16 lbs ("off the charts")

Length: 25.5 inches (95th percentile)
Normal weight and length: At 2 months babies usually range from 20.75 inches long and 8.5 pounds (10th percentile) to 23 inches long and 12.5 pounds (90th percentile). Needless to say, Jack is the Beast of the East.

Visitors: Rachel Reinhart and my godmother Kate Dall both spent the day with me.

Sleeping patterns: I am sleeping really well at night and my mommy is so happy. I usually go to bed around 9 or 10 and wake up only once before 5 am. During the day, I usually take a 3 hour nap and smaller cat naps inbetween.

My Likes: Looking at all the interesting things around me, smiling when people talk to me, cooing and squealing, looking at my black and white book

My Dislikes: Tummy time. I mean, how am I suppose to lift my head with this big Buddha belly in the way?

Other milestones: First social smile, first coo and squeal, first ride on an airplane, first baseball game (Atlanta Braves vs. Chicago Cubs)

Trips: We went to Atlanta April 7 -11 because daddy had a business meeting there.

Looking forward to in the next month: Going on my whirlwind trip through Wisconsin, getting baptised, sleeping in my new crib

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