Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Grandest of the Grand MPEs

I think most babies are known to have frequent MPE (massive poop explosions) and Jackson is no different. Although I was happy for him to move into the phase where he only poops every 2-3 days, it typically means that he feels like he has to make up for whatever he hasn't done in the aforementioned time frame.

So today, we hit the jackpot. We were on a big shopping trip (Babies R Us, TJ Maxx and Michaels, oh my!) when I heard some noise. No big deal, I think. He is a frequent tooter with nothing to show for it. Before loading him into the car so we can go to Michaels, I peek into his diaper to see if he needs a change. And. this. is. what. I. see.

Needless to say, Michael's never happened. And his car seat will never be the same. I've washed it twice and there is still a massive stain. Oh well, he needs a new one shortly anyway since he's getting too heavy for this one. I guess the bright side is that it wasn't in his new stroller! Although, that one is yellow......