Tuesday, August 10, 2010

6 month update

Weight: 21 lbs 3 oz (95th percentile)

Length: 29.25 inches (off the charts)

Visitors: Auntie Andra came for a weekend while Daddy was in NYC. Grandma Porter left yesterday after being here for 5 nights while Daddy was in California. Daddy is going to Italy in October for work.....who wants to come visit?

Sleeping patterns: Still going to sleep between 9 and 9:30, but is now consistently waking up at 3 am, sitting up in his crib and crying until mommy caves and feeds him. Last night I decided there wasn't going to be a 3 am feeding. So, I let him cry it out until he feel asleep about half an hour later. After another 30 minutes he was awake and crying again, so to perserve my own sanity, he got to eat.

My Likes: Practicing my crawling skillzzzzz. Playing on the floor by myself with my toys, the remote control and any magazines I can get my hands on. I like the bathtub because I pretend it's my own mini hottub.

My Dislikes: When mommy takes things away from me, especially any sort of paper product.

Other milestones: Crawling! I've also been making these cat-like groaning sounds, which crack mommy and daddy up. We also used a baby toothbrush for the first time today!

Trips: We went down to Fairfax, VA to meet Aunt Sharon, Uncle Bob, Kimmie, Neil, Melissa, Jordan and Peter. The next night we went to Woodbridge to meet Aunt Milly and Jocelyn, Bella and Ruby.

Looking forward to in the next month: G-mommy Kate coming to visit next week when she is here on business. Uncle Aaron and Aunt Jamie coming to visit for Labor Day. Going to Chicago the weekend of Sept 11 to visit all of Chicago peeps!

As a side note, I can't believe that my "little" newborn is already 6 months old....half a year! It seems like yesterday that we emerged from the blizzard to bring him home. And here we sit in 95 degree heat - so much change in so little time. I can imagine that time is only going to go by even more quickly from here on out.

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