Sunday, August 1, 2010

Cousins, cousins and more cousins

We took a little road trip to Virgina to meet up with some cousins this weekend.

On Friday night, we surprised Aunt Sharon and Uncle Bob (Adam's father's sister and her husband) at their home in Fairfax, VA. Adam's cousin, Neil and his wife Melissa and their boys Jordan and Peter were in town visiting from Napa. Cousin Kimmy was also in town to surprise her parents from Arizona! It was a great visit, as I had never met Aunt Sharon and Uncle Bob and it's been over a year since I've seen everyone else. Of course this was Jackson's first time meeting everyone as well. To top it off, we learned that Peter and Jackson share a birthday! Jack has some big shoes to follow in, as Mr. Peter is quite the kid.

Then on Saturday we headed to Woodbridge so Jackson could meet Aunt Milly and his cousins Jocelyn, Bella and Ruby. Uncle Jason was in CA for school, so we'll have to see him next time. We had a nice afternoon hanging out with them and then took Bella and Jocelyn back to the hotel with us to go swimming.

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