Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The million dollar question


Not really! Here we justify:
  • It's been a hot, hot summer. And we only have air conditioners in our old row home that work very hard to make it cool, but well, it's not like having good old central air.
  • He's a drool monster and just ends up soaking the front of his shirt anyway.
  • Changing his diaper is a nightmare these days, because he's got places to go, people to see and cannot possibly sit still even if it means he won't have to haul around a 5 lb wet diaper anymore. So, to have to change a diaper and then put clothes back on him is pretty much out of the question.
  • Mrs. T, our delightful neighbor, says that kids aren't meant to wear clothes. And what she says, goes. In fact, I'm not suppose to be calling him "Jack." His name is Jackson after all.
  • Have you seen his moobies? He is pretty darn proud of them and so are we!

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