Wednesday, November 10, 2010

9 month update

Weight: 23.5 lbs (90th percentile)

Length: 29.25 inches (90th percentile)

Visitors: Grandma Honey and Jenna came to visit in the past month. Jenna came while daddy was in Italy. We hung out, played and went shopping in Philly.

Sleeping patterns: I generally have been sleeping really well at night. However, the past 3 nights I've been waking the entire house up around 12:30 for some attention. My pediatrician says that I have developed object permanence, so when I wake up, I cry for my mommy and daddy because I know they are somewhere near by.

My Likes: I love to walk behind my little truck all by myself. Sometimes I fall, but I'm actually pretty good at it and always look at mommy and daddy with a big smile on my face because I'm so proud of myself.

My Dislikes: I still HATE having my diaper changed. I really don't like my big boy car seat either.

Other milestones: I've been shaking my head a lot and clapping my hands. I went to my first baby swim class and have also started music class. I'm really good in all of my classes and would best be characterized as an "observer." Tonight I climbed up the stairs to reach a plastic bag.

Trips: We leave on Friday for a weekend in Cleveland to visit Ian and Kate Stuart and their son Adam who is 2 years old. He's going to show me the ropes on what it takes to be a toddler! I have it on good word that I may also be in Aruba for my first birthday. Woo hoo!

Looking forward to in the next month: Grandma and Grandpa Porter coming to visit for two weeks over Thanksgiving and celebrating Grandma's 60th birthday with her. We are also going to Aunt Milly and Uncle Jason's new house for Thanksgiving.

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